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Beschreibung | Nummer | Beginn | Buchbar | Typ | |||||||||||
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Beschreibung | Nummer | Buchbar | Typ | |||||||||
Projektname | Schwerpunkte |
How should we teach about Africa in Europe and about Europe in Africa?
Forschungsschwerpunkt / Themenfeld
laufend |
- 31.07.2025
01.08.2023 - 31.07.2025 |
The project aims to bring together teachers and students within secondary school education from Cameroon, Tanzania and Europe to facilitate a reciprocal dialogue on how teaching and textbooks address the respective other context (teaching about Africa in Europe, teaching about Europe in Africa). As textbook analysis has shown, geography textbooks for example continue to address “Africa” from a Eurocentric perspective, whilst in some African contexts, the teaching about Europe has been completely suspended or marginalized. This leads on both sides to distorted perspectives, which can turn into socially and politically problematic ways of thinking about the other.
Beteiligte interne Organisationen
Institut für Fachdidaktik der Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Institut für Fachdidaktik MINT und Nachhaltigkeit Internationale Beziehungen, Mobilität und Kooperationen |
Institut für Fachdidaktik der Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Institut für Fachdidaktik MINT und Nachhaltigkeit Internationale Beziehungen, Mobilität und Kooperationen |
Europäische Forschungsprogramme
Europäische Forschungsprogramme
Externe Projektfinanzierer |