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Althaus, I., Arnold, G., Bossart, M.-N., Fischer, K. & Ries, S. (2022). The Boy in the Dress: Digital Ways of Teaching Identity-Related Vocabulary in Sek-I Classrooms. Babylonia. Zeitschrift für Sprachenunterricht,(1), 26-31.
Arnold, G. (2008). Transgenerational Haunting and Unresolved Trauma: Lacan’s Graph of Desire Revisited. Declensions of the Self: A Bestiary of Modernity, 2008. 113-126.
Arnold, G. (2008). Woody Allen: An Essay on the Nature of the Comical. Vittorio Hosle, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2007. North Dakota Quarterly, 187-190.
Arnold, G. (2008). Subject to Delusions: Narcissism, Modernism, Gender. Caroline Rupprecht Northwestern University Press, IL: Evanston, 2006. Book Review, 106-108.
Arnold, G. (2007). John Sutter: A Life on the North American Frontier. Alberto L. Hurtado, University of Oklahoma Press: Norman, 2006. North Dakota Quarterly, 188-190.
Arnold, G. (2007). My Mother Died at the Moment I was Born: Jamaica Kincaid’s Autobiography from a Systemic Perspective. The Linguistic Circle of Manitoba and North Dakota,(XLV), 44-52.
Arnold, G. (2007). Agamemnon’s Daughter: A Novella and Stories, Ismail Kadare, New York: Arcade Publishing Press, 2006. North Dakota Quarterly, 190-193.
Arnold, G. & Hauser, B. (2005). The Tradition of Bättruäf of Central Schweiz: Disseminating Vocal Differences through the Reiteration of Performatives. The Linguistic Circle of Manitoba and North Dakota,(XLV), 19-24.
Arnold, G. (2011). Psychic Collapses: Angela Carter’s Wise Children and Kinship Relations Beyond Visibility. In Z. Bialas, P. Jedrzejko & K. Lebek (Hrsg.), Inside (Out): Discourses of Interiority and Worldmaking Imagination (S. 229-237). Bielsko-Biała: University of Economics and Humanities.
Zimmermann, M., Ries, S., Häfliger, A.M. & Arnold, G. (2015). IT’S MEALTIME: Approaching food around the planet with CLIL activities for EFL classrooms. Bellinzona: Babylonia.
Arnold, G., Krompák, E. & Schubiger-Grenacher, P. (2024). How to promote socially and emotionally responsible language learning and teaching in European teacher education. 10th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd`24), Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia, Valéncia, Spain, 18.06.2024 bis 21.06.2024.
Krompák, E., Arnold, G. & Schubiger-Grenacher, P. (2024). How to promote socially and emotionally responsible language learning and teaching in European teacher education. 10th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd`24), Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia, Spain, 18.06.2024 bis 21.06.2024.
Arnold, G. (2015). Anasemic Mandates: Poe’s «The Fall of the House of Usher». Fourth International Edgar Allan Poe Conference, New York, 28.03.2015.
Arnold, G. (2010). Between Now and Then: Critical Junctions Between Literary Production and Cultural Identity. European Society for Trauma and Dissociation - International Conference 2010, Belfast, Dublin, 09.04.2010.
Arnold, G. (2010). Respect For Life: Leave It Up To The Doctors. Present Difference: The Cultural Production of Disability, Manchester, 08.01.2010.
Arnold, G. (2009). We may have no choice in having the events and traumas experienced by our ancestors visited upon us in our own lifetime: Eva Hoffman’s Lost in Translation. 9th Global Conference on Trauma and Violence, Budapest, 12.09.2009.
Arnold, G. (2008). Psychic Collapses: Angela Carter’s Wise Children and Kinship Relations Beyond Visibility. Conference Interiors, University of Katowice, Poland, 19.09.2008.
Arnold, G. (2007). Sara Suleri’s Rhetoric of Change: Culinary Customs and Political Discourse. River Conference of World Literature, University of Fargo, ND, USA, 14.04.2007.
Arnold, G. (2006). What Feminists Failed to Perceive: Antigone’s Entanglement in Transgenerational Family Patterns. Pacific American Language Association, University of California, Riverside, 10.11.2006.
Arnold, G. (2006). Toward an Understanding of Prenatal Analysis: What Makes a Life Worth Living? Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association, Baltimore, ML, 29.10.2006.
Arnold, G. (2006). Social Change Through Family Constellations: Kinship Systems and the Unconscious From a Lacanian and Systemic Perspective. The Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society - Psychoanalysis and Social Change, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 21.10.2006.
Arnold, G. (2006). My Mother Died at the Moment I was Born: Jamaica Kincaid’s Autobiography from a Systemic Perspective. Linguistics Circle of Manitoba, Winnipeg, 13.10.2006.
Arnold, G. (2006). I am not what I thought I was: The Transmission of Desire from a Systemic Perspective. Declensions of Self: A Bestiary of Modernity, University of Edmonton, Edmonton, AL, Canada, 30.09.2006.
Arnold, G. (2006). The Phantom Invariably Comes Back: Systemic Phenomenological Therapy and Ken Wilber’s Transpersonal Stages of Consciousness. American Contemporary Literature Association, Princeton University, NJ, 26.03.2006.
Arnold, G. (2006). Family Secrets: Transgenerational Patterns in Sophocles’ Oedipus Trilogy. College English Association - Caribbean Chapter, Universidad de Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 23.03.2006.
Arnold, G. (2006). Transpersonal Stages of Consciousness and Systemic Phenomenological Theory: What Kind of Literature Is It After All? Popular Culture Association/American Cultural Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 09.02.2006.
Arnold, G. (2005). The Tradition of Bättruäf of Central Switzerland: Disseminating Differences through the Reiteration of Performatives. Linguistic Circle of Manitoba, University of Minot, ND, 21.10.2005.
Arnold, G. (2005). Roland Barthes and the Aesthetics of Insight: The Pre-Oedipal Son and Photography. Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Coeur d’Alène, Idaho, 20.10.2005.
Arnold, G. (2005). The Rosarium Philosophorum: A Jungian Perspective on Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies, Providence, Rhode Island, 05.08.2005.
Arnold, G. (2005). What If We Lift the Veil: Ken Wilber’s Transpersonal Stages of Consciousness are but an Alternative Appellation of Zizek’s Real. Islam, Women and the Veil, University of Montana, Misoula, MN, 15.04.2005.
Arnold, G. (2018). Postcolonial Realities: Representations of Otherness in the East and West. Class Visit (Prof. Dr. Mirosh Thomas, Department of English), University of Bengalore, 05.01.2018.
Arnold, G. (2018). Between East and West: Teacher Education in the Context of Global Politics. Class Visit (Prof. Dr. Mirosh Thomas, Department of English), University of Bengalore, 04.01.2018.
Arnold, G. (2009). Eva Hoffman’s Lost in Translation and Collective Guilt. Webseite.
In collaboration with the University of Oslo and the University of Inland Norway, this international project aims to advance socially and emotionally responsible language education with a focus on social justice, critical cultural awareness, and well-being.
DetailsDie Stadt Kriens stärkt mit ihrem Programm zur frühkindlichen Förderung in Spielgruppen die Entwicklung von Kindern und erleichtert den Übergang in Kindergarten und Schule. Im Fokus: gezielte Sprachförderung für bessere Integration und Bildungschancen.