Ringvorlesung «Sprache – école – society»

Die zweite Ringvorlesung des Instituts für Fachdidaktik der Sprachen und Bildungslinguistik (ISB), die in Zusammenarbeit der Prorektorate Forschung und Entwicklung und Ausbildung angeboten wird, beleuchtet das Wechselspiel von Sprache, Schule und Gesellschaft und deren Bedeutung in der sprachlichen Bildung. 

Freitag, 4. April 2025, 10.15 Uhr bis 11.45 Uhr
Uni/PH-Gebäude (UP)
UP 2.A07

Focus on Irish English(es): Reality and representation

The spread of English as a global language is inextricably linked to Britain’s colonical history. Britain’s first colony was its neighbour Ireland, where, little by little, the English language replaced the native Gaelic tongue, turning Ireland into a predominantly monolingual English culture. The English spoken there today bears testimony to this history, retaining some of the substratal influence of Gaelic, while also exhibiting features from earlier Englishes that have died out elsewhere.

This lecture will explore the variety’s most characteristic phonological, grammatical and lexical features. In addition, using evidence from the speaker’s extensive research into representations of Irish speech in films, comics and joke books, it examines literary dialect portrayals to see whether they reflect canonical features or whether others come to the fore. Likewise, it contrasts representations by Irish writers with those by non-Irish writers to see whether the same features are salient as markers of Irishness for both.

  • Referent: Dr. Shane Walshe, Universität Zürich
  • Diskutant: Prof. Dr. Dieter Bitterli, PH Luzern

Studierende, Dozierende, Forschende, Lehrpersonen und weitere Interessierte sind herzlich eingeladen, an der Ringvorlesung teilzunehmen. 


Institutsleiterin ISB
Edina Krompák
Prof. Dr. phil.
Frohburgstrasse 3
6002 Luzern