Ringvorlesung «Sprache – école – society»

Die zweite Ringvorlesung des Instituts für Fachdidaktik der Sprachen und Bildungslinguistik (ISB), die in Zusammenarbeit der Prorektorate Forschung und Entwicklung und Ausbildung angeboten wird, beleuchtet das Wechselspiel von Sprache, Schule und Gesellschaft und deren Bedeutung in der sprachlichen Bildung.

Montag, 5. Mai 2025, 13.15 Uhr bis 14.45 Uhr
Uni/PH-Gebäude (UP)
Hörsaal 6

Language learning as an «anti-ageing activity»? New ways of studying instructed L2 learning in healthy older adults

While research on instructed second language (L2) acquisition in healthy older adults has recently begun to gain traction, the mechanisms of third age additional language learning have rarely been investigated. In particular, there have been calls for more research employing dynamic methods capable of revealing how significant peaks and dips in L2 development emerge in more mature L2 learners in relation to cognitive functioning/decline and socio-affective variables such as L2 motivation and wellbeing. What is more, the hypothesis that L2 acquisition has the potential to be an “anti-aging activity” (Ryan & Dörnyei, 2013, 93), being a cognitively challenging activity that seems in specific circumstances to promote neural plasticity and to foster social interaction and individual mobility (e.g. Antoniou, Gunasekera & Wong, 2013), warrants further research to fully understand its implications and underlying mechanisms.

Drawing on my own and others’ research on healthy older adults who become bilingual later in life, I offer a critical review of empirical and theoretical results concerning our understanding of language learning later in life. I argue that a better understanding of the nature of age and ageing will facilitate sensitivity to intervention analysis and help refine and tailor future meditation-based interventions in the third age.

  • Referentin: Prof. Dr. Simone E. Pfenninger, Universität Zürich
  • Diskutant: Prof. Dr. Dieter Bitterli, PH Luzern

Studierende, Dozierende, Forschende, Lehrpersonen und weitere Interessierte sind herzlich eingeladen, an der Ringvorlesung teilzunehmen.


Institutsleiterin ISB
Edina Krompák
Prof. Dr. phil.
Frohburgstrasse 3
6002 Luzern